June 28th marks the launch of a new Tom Douglas franchise, a cooking school shrouded in secrecy while developed over the last year in a new downtown Seattle custom kitchen. Noct was tapped to define the aesthetic of this new venue venture by creating a charcoal scrawled logo with a myriad of coal-drawn illustrations as supporting brand elements.
We can’t divulge too many details, but the launch date is right around the corner. Expect big news from these Rebls.
It’s been four years since we began Art Directing for Red Bull Media House and with each film release, the legacy continues. This year we’ve teamed up with Dana Brown (of Endless Summer fame) and the boys at Freeride Entertainment to brand Red Bull’s newest endeavor, On Any Sunday: The Next Chapter.
Documenting the role that motorcycles play in many of our lives, the film pulls out all stops to show each facet of this broad sport spectrum. With posters and memorabilia destined for shop and garage walls, we called upon veteran motor-head painter Tom Fritz to create portraits of the motorcycle world’s main genres. This art, combined with our branding, packaging, motion work, ad campaign, and website will ensure that this feature length film is as timelessly branded as it’s original incarnation.
With eyes on redefining the way engineering and design join hands, we couldn’t be in better company.
Here’s a sneak peak of some new web interfaces we’ve been working on.